Our Construction Services
Our services include bridges, roadways/freeways, street improvements, earthwork, site work/development, retaining walls, dams, flood control channels, storm drains, and underground utilities.
What We Do

Heavy/Civil Construction


Riverside Construction Company, Inc. builds new bridges and widens existing bridges for both Highways and Railroads. We have extensive experience with both cast-in-place concrete box girder or precast concrete girder bridge installations. One of the many local bridge projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. was the Interstate 215 (I-215) at Van Buren Boulevard Interchange Project.
Riverside Construction Company, Inc. performs all types of Earthwork Construction. We have extensive experience in the following earthwork projects; excavation for freeways, roadways, flood control channels and retention basins including fine grading operations, dirt import and export. One of many local projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. was the 210 Freeway Segment 8 which was a mass excavation / export job in Fontana / Rialto, CA.
Flood Control
Riverside Construction Company, Inc. builds all types of Flood Control projects. We have extensive experience in the following flood control facility installations; reinforced concrete open channels including both vertical wall and trapezoidal configurations, reinforced concrete spillways and outlet structures. Rock lined channels and spillways both grouted and non-grouted. One of many local flood control projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. was the Day Canyon Dam and Day Creek Open Channel in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Retaining Walls
Riverside Construction Company, Inc. has extensive experience in reinforced concrete retaining wall construction. We also build precast concrete MSE retaining walls which are being used frequently on projects today. One of many local projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. incorporating decorative retaining walls was the 210 freeway Segment 4 in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Riverside Construction Company, Inc. builds new roadways and widens existing highways. We have extensive experience in roadway construction and have widened a number of existing highways in the area. Highway widening projects typically involve all aspects of construction including excavation, grading, storm drain, water, sewer, concrete work, utilities etc.. One of the major local highway widening projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. was the Realignment and Widening of State Route 74 in Perris, CA for Riverside County Transportation Commission.
Riverside Construction Company, Inc. performs a variety of Sitework including Public Park construction. We have built several park projects recently and we also perform sitework for commercial building and school projects including site grading, storm drain sewer, water, and concrete work etc.. Some of the recent local site projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. are the Caltrans Park & Ride Infrastructure Improvements for the State of California in Fontana, CA and Andulka Park in the City of Riverside, CA.
Storm Drains
We build all types of Storm Drain projects and have extensive experience in the following storm drain facility installations; reinforced concrete box culvert construction both cast-in-place and precast, reinforced concrete pipe and related minor structures. We also install steel multiplate culverts. One of the many storm drain projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. was the Baseline Avenue Storm Drain Box Culvert in the City of Fontana, CA.
Street Improvements
Riverside Construction Company, Inc. builds new Street Improvements and Widens Existing Streets. We perform all aspects of street construction including excavation grading, storm drain, sewer, water, concrete work, decorative concrete and rock hardscape, utilities etc.. Some of the recent local street improvement projects built by Riverside Construction Company, Inc. include the Cherry Avenue Street Improvements Project in the City of Fontana, CA and the Peyton Drive Infrastructure Improvements Project in the City of Chino Hills, CA.
Latest Projects
Meridian Business Center Drainage Facilities
This project added drainage facilities to the Meridian Business Center.
Holland Road Overcrossing at I-215
Once completed, this project will alleviate traffic congestion along Newport Road and provide an additional roadway connection from the east to west thoroughfare of Menifee, thereby avoiding direct interchange travelers.
Ontario Ranch Road Bridge
This project will construct a bridge and bike tunnel on Ontario Ranch Road at Archibald Ave.